Water and Sanitation Local Cooperation's RSIP

 2022-05-27  Resilience and Service Improvement Plan for ALMAHWIT Water and Sanitation Local Corporation

Water and Sanitation Local Cooperation's RSIP

Annotated content page RSIP(Note for the reader; this annotated content page has been developed to facilitate the development of the Resilience and Service Improvement Plan (RSIP) report

1 Summary of the plan

This section provides a brief summary of the main problems and actions that were identified to enhance the performance of the utility and improve its resilience. The summary presents the main problems and solutions that have been identified related to the financial, administrative and technical performance, whilst also looking at possible environmental and man-made threats (Table 1).This section visualizes a brief summery for the main problems and procedures that were identified to enhance the performance of the utilities and improve its resilience plan. The summery also demonstrates main problems and the optimal solutions that have been identified regarding Financial, administrative and technical performance. It also highlights the possible environmental and humanitarian threats.

Table 1 Summary of main problems, proposed actions and time frame

The main problems and proposed actions are briefly presented below under three* main subheadings:

Financial, administrative and consumer related risks

Risk and intervention 1: …….. (just the name or a brief explanation of the problem; followed by the proposed intervention in a little more detail than indicated in the table)

Risk and intervention 2: …..

Risk and intervention 3: ……

Technical risks

Risk and intervention 1: …….

Risk and intervention 2: ……..

Risk and intervention 3: …….

This summery will very much help sharing the planned activities with different actors.

#Priority RiskRisk levels (frequency x effect)
1The tariff does not cover operating and maintenance expenses and workers' wages.> 10 Intolerable risk
2Low level of collection and accumulation of indebtedness.> 10 Intolerable risk
3Leakage of some qualified cadres and failure to raise the efficiency of others.(7 – 10) High risk
4Lack of accurate data for network sites and project sources.(7 – 10) High risk
5Lack of accurate data for network sites and project sources.(7 – 10) High risk
6Lack of accurate data for network sites and project sources.(7 – 10) High risk
7Lack of accurate data for network sites and project sources.(7 – 10) High risk
8The random drilling of private wells and the depletion of groundwater led to a decrease in the water level of 4 wells and their out of service.intolerable risk
9Some sites of the pumping lines are subjected to torrential erosion, which causes the pumping process to stop.intolerable risk
10Difficulty maintaining some water transmission lines located in rugged areas.high risk
11The storage capacity of the current main water distribution tanks as well as fuel storage tanks is insufficient.high risk
12Frequent malfunctions of generators and pumps and the lack of spare stock.high risk
13 Illegal thefts and inaccurate metering.high risk
14the lack of cleanliness in the tank of some participants and the lack of tightness of their covers(the possibility o water contamination)high risk
15Some leaks and explosions in the pumping lines and reduce the efficiency of pumps.high risk
16Some leaks and explosions in the pumping lines and reduce the efficiency of pumps.high risk
17Some leaks and explosions in the pumping lines and reduce the efficiency of pumps.high risk
18Some leaks and explosions in the pumping lines and reduce the efficiency of pumps.high risk
19The inability of sewage conveying lines to accommodate urban expansion.intolerable risk
20Unavailability of a sample testing laboratory and occupational and health safety tools.intolerable risk
21Unavailability of a sample testing laboratory and occupational and health safety tools.intolerable risk

2 Introduction

The resilience and service improvement plan (RSIP) for the water utility ……….. was developed in ….., by a small team of .. persons (Annex 1). It presents an overview of the water supply and sewerage system, its main components, and the main problems related to the performance of the organization and the risks that have been identified related to the water quality, quantity and continuity of the water supply waste water services. It outlines the envisaged actions that have been prioritised to be implemented to enhance performance and improve resilience to respond to natural and manmade disasters. It includes a time frame, an indication of responsible actors, and provides a brief description of the monitoring and review process that is envisaged. The plan also looks at the risks related to the pandemic outbreak of COVID-19 virus.

Revise text: Whereas there is no indication of transmission of this virus through water supply, the pandemic may cause serious disruptions in system operations This may include shortage of staff, power disruptions, and shortages of chemicals and other supplies, caused for example by Government directives. Protecting the health and safety of employees needs to be emphasized in the risk mitigation plan to ensure that essential functions can be maintained..

The RSIP was approved by …. on …. (date), and will be reviewed on …. (date)

Table 2. Basic information about the utility and its customers

This section provides basic information of the water utility and its customers (Table 2)

Name of the utilityAlmahweet city
City Population2,867 / 1,097
Number of customers (water supply / wastewater)1400 connections (9 p / conection)36%,38%
Water supply/ Waste water coverage64%
How many internally displaced persons (IDP) are served by the system (and % of IDP in area)583 people , 5%
Per capita water demand (l/c/d)40
Average water demand (m3/day)Untitled1400
Average water production (m3/day)532655
Average water volume billed (m3/day)143
Per capita consumption (l/c/d), (billed)270717
Operating hours/day and day/week13
Main Power sourcePumps
Number of staff65
Non-revenue water (NRW) (%)45.5%
Average volume of waste water produced (m3/day)550
Average volume of waste water treated (m3/day)550

Table 3a. Financial performance of the water branch of the utility

Financial performance of the water branch of the utility

Rate revenues(metered) per year$ 64985
Income from flat rates (not metered) per year-
Income from commercial customers per year$ 3210
Income from public taps, if any per year $130120
Subsidy (government, municipality) per year-
Other income (specify) per year$ 1416
Total annual income$ 215463
Total annual expenditures$ 299574
Collection efficiency (payment received/billed amount/year)$ 60%
Annual cost recovery from users (income from users /expenditures)$ 23%
Average cost of water production and distribution (per m3)1.72$/m3

Table 3b. Financial performance of the waste water branch

Table 3b. Financial performance of the waste water branch (This table only need to be included if cost for water and sanitation are available separately)

Income from waste water (WW) charges to users per year-
Income from WW charges to commercial customers per year-
Subsidy (government, municipality) per year-
Other income (specify) per year-
Total annual income-
Total annual expenditures-
Collection efficiency (payment received/billed amount/year)-
Annual cost recovery from users (income from users /expenditures)-
Average cost of waste water discharge and treatment (per m3)-

Table 4. Main cost items for the water and waste water (cost in $ per year) (2019)

Table 4. Main cost items for the water and waste water (cost in $ per year)

Staff cost for water supply 0
Staff cost for waste water
Staff cost-Total cost per year116.458
Transport cost (vehicles etc.) for water supply 0
Transport cost (vehicles etc.) for waste water
Transport cost (vehicles etc.)-Total cost per year11.907
Energy cost for water supply -
Energy cost for waste water -
Energy cost (also includes maintenance cost of all transport) - Total cost per year$137,457
Chemicals costs for water supply-
Chemicals costs for waste water -
Chemicals costs-Total cost per year-
Materials costs for water supply $23,932
Materials costs for waste water -
Materials costs -Total cost per year9,820
Contracts for larger repairs for water supply-
Contracts for larger repairs for waste water -
Contracts for larger repairs -Total cost per year-
Others for water supply-
Others for waste water -
Others-Total cost per year$23,932
Total annual cost for water supply-
Total annual cost for waste water -
Total annual cost- Total cost per year$299,574
The cost items include the monetary value of the in-kind contributions the utility receives; The table does not include cost related to system expansion If cost for water and waste water cannot be separated then just fill the last column0

Table 5 Water balance

One key tool to assess the situation in the utility is the water balance (Table 5). Filling out the water balance will give an indication of the performance of the utility in terms of water supply. On average in 2019 a volume of …. m3 is put into supply and on average a volume of …. m3 is being billed to customers. A more detailed estimate of the water balance is presented in Table 5.

This overview only concerns the water loss as defined by IWA, which is about the water that is produced and put into supply. In addition however water may be ‘lost’ in the intake structure and in the transmission main to the water treatment plant, (or water tank with disinfection), the treatment process (backwash) and the transmission to water storage tanks.

Authorized consumption m3 -
Authorized consumption Billed m3 52100m3
Authorized consumption Billed metered Volume m331260
Authorized consumption Billed unmetered Volume m320840
Authorized consumption Billed Unpaid metered (partly delayed payment)Volume m3-
Authorized consumption Billed Unpaid unmetered Volume m3-
Authorized consumption unbilled Volume m3121004
Authorized consumption unbilled metered Volume m32100
Authorized consumption unbilled unmetered m32207
Water losses m30
Water losses - apparent losses (commercial losses) m310500
Water losses - apparent losses (commercial losses) - Metering inaccuracies volume m31335
Water losses - apparent losses (commercial losses) - Unauthorized consumption (illegal connections)volume m39165
Water losses Real losses volume m328700
Water losses Real losses Leakages in storage reservoirs, distribution mains and service lines volume m328700
Water losses-Real losses -Overflow of water tanks, flushing of pipes volume m3-
Total Revenue water-Authorized\consumption150912
Total non revenue water m343507 m3

Table 6 Main financial and organizational problems and risks

In this section the main financial and organizational problems are being presented that may jeopardize the performance and the resilience of the utility. Hazardous events in this area may relate to financing, administration and customer relationships (Table 6). The main hazardous events have to be identified and the risks have to be assessed to be able to prioritize action.

Problems may include a high level of non-revenue water. It may be this is already known in more detail (high water physical water loss, many illegal connections, and water meter inaccuracies). It may also be a more general problem of water tariffs that are not covering the cost, a large number of displaced persons with limited resources, or because other financial resources such as support from external organizations may be at risk.

Administrative problems may include: high staff turnover, weak staff regulations, administrative difficulties such as meter reading, inaccurate customer data base, as well as not following up on customer complaints.

#Hazardous event (and how the problem may affect service provision or the utility) HazardEffectFrequencyRisk levels (frequency x effect)
1The tariff does not cover operating and maintenance expenses and workers' wages.IS,LF= interruption in supply,lack of finance to pay staff and suppliers5=Very serious impact3=Likely (3) > 20% of the time> 10 Intolerable risk
2Low level of collection and accumulation of indebtedness.LF=lack of finance to pay staff and suppliers5=Very serious impact3=Likely (3) > 20% of the time> 10 Intolerable risk
3Leakage of some qualified cadres and failure to raise the efficiency of others.LF=lack of finance to pay staff and suppliers5=Very serious impact2=Moderate (2) 1 – 20% of the time(7 – 10) High risk
4Lack of accurate data for network sites and project sources.LF=lack of finance to pay staff and suppliers 3 = Serious impact3=Likely (3) > 20% of the time(7 – 10) High risk
5Lack of accurate data for network sites and project sources.LF=lack of finance to pay staff and suppliers 3 = Serious impact3=Likely (3) > 20% of the time(7 – 10) High risk
6Lack of accurate data for network sites and project sources.LF=lack of finance to pay staff and suppliers 3 = Serious impact3=Likely (3) > 20% of the time(7 – 10) High risk
7Lack of accurate data for network sites and project sources.LF=lack of finance to pay staff and suppliers 3 = Serious impact3=Likely (3) > 20% of the time(7 – 10) High risk

3 Review of risks in the water supply system

This section provides an overview of the system including some key characteristics (Table 7), a map with the system components (Figure 1) and an overview of the main risks that have been identified (Table 8). These risks may relate to different types of hazards including the deterioration of the biological, chemical or physical water quality, problems related to the availability of water, interruption of water distribution. The information presented in this chapter is based on the detailed assessment of each component of the water system presented in Annex 2.

Table 7. Basic information about the water supply system

This section provides an overview of the system including some key characteristics (Table 7), a map with the system components (Figure 1) and an overview of the main risks that have been identified (Table 8). These risks may relate to different types of hazards including the deterioration of the biological, chemical or physical water quality, problems related to the availability of water, interruption of water distribution. The information presented in this chapter is based on the detailed assessment of each component of the water system presented in Annex 2.

Type of water source(s)Water and Sanitation Corporation/Amran
Number of boreholes and capacity (l/s)Groundwater
Depth of boreholes (range)4/14796
Age (average and range)100-150
Average water production (m3/day)20
Type of water treatment532.655
Design capacity (m3/day)nothing
Transmission lines + pumping mains (km)20
Distribution system (service connections) (km)70
Water storage tanks (number& total capacity in m3)(51,م3 + 011م3 + 031م3) :Capacity distribution tanks Collective storage tanks (011م3 + 021م3 + 011م3 + 011م3 + 21م3)
Number of operating water pumps13
Spare pumps-
Number of house connections (W &WW)2867 w connection, 1097 ww connection
Part of house connections with meters (%)100
Number of public, social and utility standpoints3
Operating hours/day and day/week10 hours/day- 7days/ a week
Main Power sourceElectrical generators
Number of bulk water meters12
Non-revenue water (NRW)%45.5
Commercial losses (%) of NRW461.5(11%)/month m3
Leakage (%) of NRW1290.4(30%) month m3
Average operating pressure (m) and range75m 50-100m
Number of pipe bursts (No/km/year)417/year
Specific damages caused by the warThe project stopped for a long time, resulting in the deterioration of the water network, especially the buried lines. Reducing operating hours due to the high price of fuel and its lack of it in the local market. - Functional and organizational imbalances due to frequent new appointments and leakage of qualified cadres. Low collections due to salary cuts. The investment program was suspended. - The influx of displaced people and the increase in demand for service. Difficulty purchasing spare parts and important maintenance equipment. Decreased provision of services and, consequently, a decrease in revenue. The spread of the cholera and corona epidemic and the direct impact on the water sector
Schematic drawing of the system and its main components

Table 8. Summary of important hazards and risks in the components of the water system

Hazard type: M = microbial, C = chemical, P = physical, IS = interruption in supply.

Effect: 1 = minimal effect; 3 = serious impact, 5 = very serious impact

Frequency: Rare (1) < 1% of the time, cases, connections, area; Moderate (2) 1 – 20% of the time, cases, connections, area; Likely (3) > 20% of the time, cases, connections, area

Risk levels (frequency x effect): low risk < 3; medium risk 3 – 6; high risk 7 – 10; intolerable risk > 10

#Priority Risk HazardEffectFrequencyRisk levels (frequency x effect)
1The random drilling of private wells and the depletion of groundwater led to a decrease in the water level of 4 wells and their out of service.IS = Interruption in supply5=Very serious impact3=Likely (3) > 20% of the timeintolerable risk
2Some sites of the pumping lines are subjected to torrential erosion, which causes the pumping process to stop.IS = Interruption in supply5=Very serious impact3=Likely (3) > 20% of the timeintolerable risk
3Difficulty maintaining some water transmission lines located in rugged areas.IS = Interruption in supply5=Very serious impact2=Moderate (2) 1 – 20% of the timehigh risk
4The storage capacity of the current main water distribution tanks as well as fuel storage tanks is insufficient.IS ,P=Interruption in supply,Physical 3 = Serious impact3=Likely (3) > 20% of the timehigh risk
5Frequent malfunctions of generators and pumps and the lack of spare stock.IS = Interruption in supply 3 = Serious impact3=Likely (3) > 20% of the timehigh risk
6 Illegal thefts and inaccurate metering.IS = Interruption in supply 3 = Serious impact3=Likely (3) > 20% of the timehigh risk
7the lack of cleanliness in the tank of some participants and the lack of tightness of their covers(the possibility o water contamination)IS,M= Interruption in supply, Microbial 3 = Serious impact3=Likely (3) > 20% of the timehigh risk
8Some leaks and explosions in the pumping lines and reduce the efficiency of pumps.IS = Interruption in supply5=Very serious impact2=Moderate (2) 1 – 20% of the timehigh risk
9Some leaks and explosions in the pumping lines and reduce the efficiency of pumps.IS = Interruption in supply5=Very serious impact2=Moderate (2) 1 – 20% of the timehigh risk
10Some leaks and explosions in the pumping lines and reduce the efficiency of pumps.IS = Interruption in supply5=Very serious impact2=Moderate (2) 1 – 20% of the timehigh risk
11Some leaks and explosions in the pumping lines and reduce the efficiency of pumps.IS = Interruption in supply5=Very serious impact2=Moderate (2) 1 – 20% of the timehigh risk

Overview of the water supply system

Figure 1. Overview of the water supply system

4 Waste water related problems

In this section the proposed actions to improve performance and enhance resilience are presented in some detail. The activities for each main risk are presented in a separate table (29 etc., ……)

Table 9. Basic information about the waste water system

This section provides an overview of the sewer system and waste water treatment plants, including some key characteristics (Table 9) and a map with the system components (Figure 2).

NameWater and Sanitation Corporation/Amran
Average annual flow (m3/year)198,000
Type of waste water treatment (and age)Septic tanks, aerobic oxidation tanks and drying tanks - 25 years
Annual average design flow (m3/year)300,000
Length of sewerage system (km) 15
Design organic load (BOD)-
Actual inlet organic load (BOD)-
Efficiency: outflow organic load (BOD)-
Age of distribution system (average and range)18
Number of service connections1097
Number of sewer left stations-
Operating hours/day-
Main power sourceDiesel - for suction units and moving vehicles
Number of waste water overflow points180
Specific damages caused by the warFrequent blockages and rash of sewers. The increase in the price of fuel (diesel). The difficulty of rehabilitating and maintaining the network, tanks and sewage rooms. The implementation of the third phase of the sewage project, which will cover 62% of the total water subscribers, has been suspended

​Table 10. Summary of important hazards and risks related to waste water​

Table 10 presents the main hazardous events and risks that have been identified. These risks may relate to different types of events including blockage of sewers causing contamination of housing areas, deterioration of the infrastructure, pumping problems, interruption or malfunctioning of the treatment system generating odour problems or fly nuisance but also low connection ratio in areas where onsite systems are causing problems. If wastewater management and financing is separated from the management of the water supply system, than risks may also include financing and staff problems. The resulting hazards may include contamination of the service area and of downstream water sources which may contribute to the spread of disease including for example cholera. In case a considerable number of risks exist a good option to consider is to present a more detailed analysis in an annex and just summarise the situation in Table 10.

#Hazardous event (and how hazard may arise) HazardEffectFrequencyRisk levels (frequency x effect)
1The inability of sewage conveying lines to accommodate urban expansion.RDW: Risk of polluting drinking water5= very serious impact3=Likely (3) > 20% of the timeintolerable risk
2Unavailability of a sample testing laboratory and occupational and health safety tools.CS،GC=Contamination service area, Groundwater contamination5= very serious impact3=Likely (3) > 20% of the timeintolerable risk
3Unavailability of a sample testing laboratory and occupational and health safety tools.CS،GC=Contamination service area, Groundwater contamination5= very serious impact3=Likely (3) > 20% of the timeintolerable risk

The wastewater treatment system components

Figure 3: Picture of the basin area (watershed)

5 Overview of the main risks and possible control measures

Table 11. Effect of control measures on important risk

In this section the main risks that were identified in chapter 2, 3, and 4 are listed (Table 11). For some of these the utility may already have put already control measures or other interventions in place that may reduce the risk if effective or not. This needs to be taken into account in the final priority setting related to the different risks that were established in section 2, 3, and 4. To clarify this issue we can look at some examples. A possible hazardous event may be that a borehole gets contaminated because of inflow of water from the surface due to poor protection of the well head. Flooding may happen a few times a year (score 3 likely) and impact is serious (3) so risk is 9. The utility may have arranged for disinfecting wells after flooding, but this may not prevent water draining into the well when it rains. So the control measure does not seem effective. Hence despite the control measure the risk does remain 9. Another hazardous event may be experienced staff leaving the utility. A control measure that may have been put in place is to develop standard operating procedures so new staff knows what to do, but this may not be sufficient to overcome the lack of experience. So in that case the risk still may be high and this then requires a more in-depth analysis of the causes of experienced staff leaving

#ComponentPriority RiskExisting control measure (mitigation in place)TimeeffectRisk remaining taking with control measure
1F= FinanceThe tariff does not cover operating and maintenance expenses and workers' wages. Raising the water and sewage service tariffs to cover 25% of the costs of operation and maintenance expenses.-No = No effect>10 Very high risk
2LF=lack of finance to pay staff and suppliersLow level of collection and accumulation of indebtedness.Formation of field collection teams and intensification of the work period. Allocating a percentage of the collection to the field teams.-No = No effect>10 Very high risk
3ADM = Administration and customer relationsLeakage of some qualified cadres and failure to raise the efficiency of others.Paying employees' dues according to the available revenues. Assigning someone to run the work in place of the dropouts.-No = No effect>10 Very high risk
4F,ADM =Finance,Administration and customer relationsLack of accurate data for network sites and project sources.Use of aerial projections and review and save technical data in Office files.-No = No effect7 – 10 High risk
5 IS=interruption in supplyThe random drilling of private wells and the depletion of groundwater led to a decrease in the water level of 4 wells and their out of service.Searching for funding to dig three additional wells to increase the amount of water produced. - Reporting to the local authority leadership the damages of the foundation’s wells sources as a result of drilling private wells close to them.-No = No effect>10 Very high risk
6 IS=interruption in supplyThe end of the life span of most water network lines, especially buried lines.Rehabilitation and maintenance of some components of the project according to the available capabilities until external financing is available.-No = No effect>10 Very high risk
7 IS=interruption in supplySome sites of the pumping lines are subjected to torrential erosion, which causes the pumping process to stop.Repairing the damages according to the available capabilities, preparing a study to deal with the damages radically and searching for financing.-No = No effect>10 Very high risk
8 IS=interruption in supplyUnavailability of a laboratory to test water samples and chlorination units.Looking for funding to provide laboratory and chlorination units.-No = No effect>10 Very high risk
9DB,IS=Distribution System,interruption in supplyThe mixing of drinking water with sewage water due to the proximity of the water network lines to the sewage rooms and manholes.- Replacing worn-out pipes and changing their course from tanks and sewage rooms.-No = No effect7 – 10 High risk
10DB,IS=Distribution System,interruption in supplySome leaks and explosions in the pumping lines and reduce the efficiency of pumps.Maintenance according to the available capabilities with the search for financing to provide tools and equipment for maintenance work..-No = No effect7 – 10 High risk
11DB,IS=Distribution System,interruption in supplyDifficulty maintaining some water transmission lines located in rugged areas.Providing materials and equipment from outside the framework of the institution for rent until funding is available to provide the required need for maintenance work.-No = No effect7 – 10 High risk
12IS,F=Interruption in supply،FinanceThe storage capacity of the current main water distribution tanks as well as fuel storage tanks is insufficient.Searching for financing to build a water tank and provide a tank to save fuel.-No = No effect7 – 10 High risk
13 IS=interruption in supplyFrequent malfunctions of generators and pumps and the lack of spare stock. Periodic maintenance and provision of spare parts in large amounts.-No = No effect7 – 10 High risk
14 IS=interruption in supplyIllegal thefts and inaccurate metering.Forming technical teams for the process of checking and controlling the home lines and meters in the lanes where high losses were observed-No = No effect7 – 10 High risk
15IS,TM=Interruption in supply,Transmission MainThe lack of cleanliness in the tanks of some participants and the lack of tightness of their covers (the possibility of water contamination). The women’s cadre in the establishment went out to conduct awareness campaigns for housewives and to clarify the harms of water pollution.-No = No effect7 – 10 High risk
16F= FinanceThe inability of sewage conveying lines to accommodate urban expansion. Suction and removal of waste when necessary, with the search for a financier to implement additional Sabtec tanks and all the necessary materials and works for the implementation and connection of the new houses.-No = No effect>10 Very high risk
17IS,TM=Interruption in supply,Transmission MainFailure of the pump for sludge suction from the Sabtic Tanks (frequent blockages and sewage overflows in the streets and neighborhoods).- Searching for a supplier to provide a sludge suction pump according to the specifications prepared for this, as well as providing another white (truck) suitable and suitable for the sewage system (Septic Tank).-No = No effect>10 Very high risk
18IS,TM=Interruption in supply,Transmission MainUnavailability of a sample testing laboratory Occupational and health safety tools.Providing some occupational and health safety requirements and what is related to the laboratory, as the institution is still looking for funding.-No = No effect>10 Very high risk
19IS,TM=Interruption in supply,Transmission MainBlockages and difficulty in sewage flowing into the slaughterhouse waste tanks.Assigning the employees of the institution to suction and clean the tanks of the slaughterhouses when there is a need for funding for rehabilitation and improvement.-No = No effect7 – 10 High risk
20IS,TM=Interruption in supply,Transmission MainThe leakage of rain and torrential water into sewage tanks and manholes as a result of broken covers.Installing the available covers for the main places with a search for financing to provide and install covers with loops for all rooms and closets whose covers are broken-No = No effect7 – 10 High risk
21IS,TM=Interruption in supply,Transmission MainThe leakage of rain and torrential water into sewage tanks and manholes as a result of broken covers.Installing the available covers for the main places with a search for financing to provide and install covers with loops for all rooms and closets whose covers are broken-No = No effect7 – 10 High risk
22IS,TM=Interruption in supply,Transmission MainThe leakage of rain and torrential water into sewage tanks and manholes as a result of broken covers.Installing the available covers for the main places with a search for financing to provide and install covers with loops for all rooms and closets whose covers are broken-No = No effect7 – 10 High risk
23IS,TM=Interruption in supply,Transmission MainThe leakage of rain and torrential water into sewage tanks and manholes as a result of broken covers.Installing the available covers for the main places with a search for financing to provide and install covers with loops for all rooms and closets whose covers are broken-No = No effect7 – 10 High risk

6. Action plan for prioritised resilience risks

Table 12. Summary of action plan for prioritised risks related to the finance and administration

This section presents an action plan for the prioritised performance and resilience risks that relate to financing, organization, administration, and customer relations (Table 12). Some lower priority actions may also be included in the table if they are very easy to overcome at low or no cost. For the actions, it is essential to take a gender sensitive approach and take into account gender specific data.

#ComponentMain intervention(s)Responsible TimeCostHazardous event (and how the problem may affect service provision or the utility) Risk levels (frequency x effect)
1LF=LF=lack of finance to pay staff and suppliers Intensifying work on debt collection and raising the level of societal awareness through awareness and follow-up. Introducing the PDA field electronic collection system.Enterprise management + financial management + subscriber account management + technical management + relationship management and subscriber services1 year$100,000Low level of collection and accumulation of indebtedness.> 10 Intolerable risk
2F=Finance Providing and operating the project’s pumping sources and stages with alternative energy (solar energy), and then preparing a tariff study after reviewing the actual costs of operation and maintenance.Enterprise management + financial management + subscriber account management + the foundation's advisory committee1-2 year$400,000The tariff does not cover operating and maintenance expenses and workers' wages.> 10 Intolerable risk
3ADM = administration and customer relations Improving material and moral incentives and employee benefits. - Updating the regulations in line with the competencies and tasks of each employee.Enterprise Administration + Financial Affairs Department + Administrative Affairs Department1-2 year$30,000Leakage of some qualified cadres and failure to raise the efficiency of others.(7 – 10) High risk
4F=FinanceSearching for supportive bodies to obtain the GIS system and update the performance indicator system PIISDepartment of Technical Affairs and Studies + Department of Financial Affairs1 year$20,000Lack of accurate data for network sites and project sources.(7 – 10) High risk
5F=FinanceSearching for supportive bodies to obtain the GIS system and update the performance indicator system PIISDepartment of Technical Affairs and Studies + Department of Financial Affairs1 year$20,000Lack of accurate data for network sites and project sources.(7 – 10) High risk
6F=FinanceSearching for supportive bodies to obtain the GIS system and update the performance indicator system PIISDepartment of Technical Affairs and Studies + Department of Financial Affairs1 year$20,000Lack of accurate data for network sites and project sources.(7 – 10) High risk
7F=FinanceSearching for supportive bodies to obtain the GIS system and update the performance indicator system PIISDepartment of Technical Affairs and Studies + Department of Financial Affairs1 year$20,000Lack of accurate data for network sites and project sources.(7 – 10) High risk

Table 13. Summary of action plan for prioritised water supply performance risks.

#ComponentIntervention(s)ResponsibleTimeCost ($)Priority Risk Risk levels (frequency x effect)
1SI = Source/Intake or borehole- Rehabilitation of the lines whose tracks are exposed to the torrential cliffs.Corporation Administration+ donor6 months$250,000Some sites of the pumping lines are subjected to torrential erosion, which causes the pumping process to stop.intolerable risk
2SI = Source/Intake or boreholeHigh coordination with the local authority and the Ministry of Water and Environment to find serious solutions to reduce random digging. - Enhancing the efficiency of wells by drilling three additional wells from another basin.The Water Resources Authority + the local authority + the administrati on of the institution.1-2 year$180,000The random drilling of private wells and the depletion of groundwater led to a decrease in the water level of 4 wells and their out of service.intolerable risk
3SI = Source/Intake or boreholeProviding new generators with spare parts for maintenance work. Providing new pumps and providing spare parts for maintenance work. Training technicians to maintain and operate generators.Corporation Administration+ donor.6 months $200,000Some leaks and explosions in the pumping lines and reduce the efficiency of pumps.high risk
4SI = Source/Intake or boreholeSupplying highly efficient meters with air valves. - Installing meters in the main lines at the beginning of the route to the water distribution areas.Corporation Administration+ donor.6 months$160,000Difficulty maintaining some water transmission lines located in rugged areas.high risk
5DB,IS=Distribution System,interruption in supplyProviding a mobile maintenance workshop. Providing a means of transportation.Corporation Administration+ donor.6 months$125,000Some leaks and explosions in the pumping lines and reduce the efficiency of pumps.high risk
6IS,F=Interruption in supply،FinanceBuilding and constructing a main water collection tank with a capacity of 1000 m3. Providing a diesel tank with a capacity of 100 thousand liters.Corporation Administration+ donor.1 year$207,000Some leaks and explosions in the pumping lines and reduce the efficiency of pumps.high risk
7IS,F=Interruption in supply،FinanceBuilding and constructing a main water collection tank with a capacity of 1000 m3. Providing a diesel tank with a capacity of 100 thousand liters.Corporation Administration+ donor.1 year$207,000Some leaks and explosions in the pumping lines and reduce the efficiency of pumps.high risk
8IS,TM=Interruption in supply,Transmission MainA variety of direct and indirect societal awareness. Providing educational tools and supplies such as brochures, printers, computers, speakers, and others.Corporation Administration+ donor.1 year$200,00 Illegal thefts and inaccurate metering.high risk
9SI = Source/Intake or boreholeProviding new generators with spare parts for maintenance work. Providing new pumps and providing spare parts for maintenance work. Training technicians to maintain and operate generators.Corporation Administration+ donor.6 months $200,000Frequent malfunctions of generators and pumps and the lack of spare stock.high risk
10IS,F=Interruption in supply،FinanceBuilding and constructing a main water collection tank with a capacity of 1000 m3. Providing a diesel tank with a capacity of 100 thousand liters.Corporation Administration+ donor.1 year$207,000The storage capacity of the current main water distribution tanks as well as fuel storage tanks is insufficient.high risk
11DB,IS=Distribution System,interruption in supply Providing cocks, non- return valves and air valves of different diameters.Corporation Administration+ donor6 months$10,000the lack of cleanliness in the tank of some participants and the lack of tightness of their covers(the possibility o water contamination)high risk

Table 14. Summary of action plan for prioritised wastewater performance risks

#ComponentMain intervention(s)ResponsibleTimeCost ($)Hazardous event (and how hazard may arise) Risk levels (frequency x effect)
1SS,TM=Sewer System,Transmission MainImplementation of additional Sabtic Tanks for the places of urban expansion, linking houses with them, and rehabilitating what was previously implemented. Providing plastic tubes of different diameters with all accessories. Providing maintenance equipment, tools and supplies. - Complete the implementation of the sewage project for areas not served by the project in the first phase.Management of corporation and the donors2-3 year$3,360,000The inability of sewage conveying lines to accommodate urban expansion.intolerable risk
2SS = Sewer SystemProviding an integrated laboratory. Technical training. Providing occupational and health safety tools.Management of corporation and the donors6 months$30,000Unavailability of a sample testing laboratory and occupational and health safety tools.intolerable risk
3SS = Sewer SystemProviding an integrated laboratory. Technical training. Providing occupational and health safety tools.Management of corporation and the donors6 months$30,000Unavailability of a sample testing laboratory and occupational and health safety tools.intolerable risk

7. Proposed monitoring system

The proposed monitoring comprises two main issues: overall monitoring of the monthly performance of the water supply and waste water system and progress with the implementation of the RSIP.

In this section it is also important to indicate when the RSIP will be reviewed and revised as needed (possibly on an annual basis).

Annex 1 RSIP Team and list of advisors that where consulted

The proposed monitoring system needs to cover system performance, effectivity op control measures, and implementation of the RSIP.

In this section it is also important to indicate when the RSIP will be reviewed and revised as needed (possibly on an annual basis).

#NameOrganizationRole in teamContact NumberEmail
1Eng. Najeeb AlnuziliAlmahweet CoTead leader770221234najeebalnozily1986@gmail.co m
2Ali AluziliAlmahweet CoMember777895970alialnozily0@gmail.com
3Dr. Mansoor HadarahEWCcouncillor733333016-
4Dr. Mohamed AlmutawkelEWCcouncillor777167716-
5Dr. Mohamed AlmutawkelEWCcouncillor777167716-
6Dr. Mohamed AlmutawkelEWCcouncillor777167716-
7Dr. Mohamed AlmutawkelEWCcouncillor777167716-

Overview of the boreholes used for the water supply

Overview of the boreholes used for the water supply

Table 15. Important risks in the water catchment area

Provide a brief description of the catchment area (Figure 3) (in case of a groundwater scheme of the aquifer and its main recharge area) and an indication of the main hazardous events in the water catchment area (water quality, water availability, landslides, catchment deterioration, expansion of agricultural border) that may affect system performance, the hazards involved, the possible effect, the frequency and the resulting risk (Table 14). It is important to indicate whether the water utility by itself can do something in the water catchment or that it depends on other actors. This may include for example climate change related problems or over pumping by other actors.

#Hazardous event (and how hazard may enter/ affect system) Hazard typeEffectFrequencyRisk levels (frequency x effect)
1Groundwater depletion, over-excavation and loss of control from the competent authorities (leading to reduced productivity)IS = Interruption in supply5 = very serious impact3=Likely (3) > 20% of the time> 10 Intolerable risk

Table 16. Important risks in the water source and water intake

Provide a brief description of the water source(s) and water intake(s) (Figure 4) and an indication of the main hazardous events that may affect the system performance, the hazards involved, the possible effect, the frequency and the resulting risk (Table 15). This may include contamination of the source, deteriorating water quality in the source, lack of power sources, falling water table, damages of the intake due to war, flooding or other causes. If several boreholes exist, it may be an option to combine the description of the boreholes that tap the same aquifer, to minimize the length of the report. Yet it is essential that specific risks and hazardous events that are related to specific boreholes, such as high sensitivity to war damages, conflict points, or technical cracks in cover or casing that affect water quality of the borehole. Also provide a brief description of possible water loss that may take place in the water intake or transmission lines (Table 16). Whereas this is not included in the definition of non-revenue water it is important to understand the situation and explore whether this water loss can be prevented as it may make more water available for the water system or for other users. Water losses due to illegal use from the wells field or in the transmission lines for irrigation purposes consumes massive amount of water compared to domestic illegal uses.

#Hazardous event (and how hazard may enter/ affect system) Hazard typeEffectFrequencyRisk levels (frequency x effect)
1The random drilling of private wells and the depletion of groundwater led to a decrease in the water level of 4 wells and their out of service.IS = Interruption in supply5=very serious impact3=Likely (3) > 20% of the time> 10 Intolerable risk

Overview of the Technical Design of Lc Boreholes

Figure 4. Overview of the Technical Design of Lc Boreholes

Table 17. Water loss in the water intake

Provide a brief description of the transmission main (length, diameter, type of material, age, condition, water meter(s) and valves) (Figure 4) and an indication of the main hazardous events that may affect the system performance, the hazards involved, the possible effect, the frequency and the resulting risk (Table 17). This may include: leaking pipes, old pipes, landslides, poor reparations, illegal connections, etc. In case of pumping issues may be lack of fuel, poor electricity supply, inadequate maintenance etc. Also give an indication of the water loss that may take place (Table 18).

#Description of water loss Magnitude* l/s and %

Picture of a diagram of the transmission lines

Overview of the Technical Design of Sana’a Lc Boreholes

Table 18 Important risks in the transmission main

Provide a brief description of the transmission main (length, diameter, type of material, age, condition, water meter(s) and valves) (Figure 4) and an indication of the main hazardous events that may affect the system performance, the hazards involved, the possible effect, the frequency and the resulting risk (Table 17). This may include: leaking pipes, old pipes, landslides, poor reparations, illegal connections, etc. In case of pumping issues may be lack of fuel, poor electricity supply, inadequate maintenance etc. Also give an indication of the water loss that may take place (Table 18).

#Hazardous event (and how hazard may enter/ affect system) Hazard typeEffectFrequencyRisk levels (frequency x effect)
1End of life for most pumping lines (high costs for line maintenance in addition to leaks).IS,C,P=Interruption in supply, chemical,Physical5=very serious impact3=Likely (3) > 20% of the time> 10 Intolerable risk
2Pressures and explosions in the conveying lines (low pump efficiency).IS = Interruption in supply5=very serious impact3=Likely (3) > 20% of the time> 10 Intolerable risk
3Pressures and explosions in the conveying lines (low pump efficiency).IS = Interruption in supply5=very serious impact3=Likely (3) > 20% of the time> 10 Intolerable risk

Table 19. Water loss in the transmission main

Table 19. Water loss in the transmission main

#Description of water loss Magnitude* l/s and %
1Leaks as a result of worn out some of the main carrier lines.%1.5

A picture or diagram of the treatment system and chlorination plants

Figure 6. A picture or diagram of the treatment system and chlorination plants

Table 20. Important risks related to the water treatment system​​

Hazard type: M = microbial, C = chemical, P = physical, IS = interruption in supply

Effect: 1 = minimal effect; 3 = serious impact, 5 = very serious impact

Frequency: Rare (1) < 1% of the time, cases, connections; Moderate (2) 1 – 20% of the time, cases, connections; Likely (3) > 20% of the time, cases, connections

#Hazardous event (and how hazard may enter/ affect system) Hazard typeEffectFrequencyRisk levels (frequency x effect)
1The lack of cleanliness in the tanks of some subscribers, the lack of tightness of their covers, and the lack of a chlorination unit (the possibility of water contaminationM = Microbial5=Very serious impact3= Likely (3) > 20% of the time, cases> 10 Intolerable risk

Table 21. Water loss in the treatment system

Table 21. Water loss in the treatment system

#Description of water loss Magnitude* l/s and %
1Not available -

Pictures of typical meter situation and storage tanks

Figure 7: Pictures of typical meter situation and storage tanks

Table 22. Important risks in the storage reservoir(s)

Provide a brief description of the storage reservoir(s) (Figure 7) and an indication of the main hazardous events that may affect the system performance, the hazards involved, the possible effect, the frequency and the resulting risk (Table 21). This may include: leakages, damage because of the war, contamination, lack of maintenance. In case water chlorination is included in the storage reservoir than this also needs to be described (and this may entail problems with the supply of chlorine. Also give an indication of the water loss that may take place including water that may be lost through the overflow or water used for cleaning (Table 22).

#Hazardous event (and how hazard may enter/ affect system) Hazard typeEffectFrequencyRisk levels (frequency x effect)
1The storage capacity of the current main water distribution tanks as well as fuel storage tanks is insufficient.IS = interruption in supply5=Very serious impact2=Moderate (2) 1 – 20% of the time(7 – 10) High risk

Table 23. Water loss in water storage reservoir

Table 23. Water loss in water storage reservoir

#Description of water loss Magnitude* l/s and %
1 Non-return points (free) during the re-pumping phase in Al- Dawa’ir migration and Beit Al-Dhamari station%2,2
2 The amount of water for washing and maintena%0.1
3 The amount of water for washing and maintena%0.1

Water Distribution Network Diagram

Figure 8: Diagram of water distribution networks

Table 24. Important risks in the distribution system(s

Provide a brief description of the distribution system(s) (length, diameter, type of material, age, condition, overflow, water meter(s) and valves) and a schematic drawing of the system (Figure 8). Indicate the main hazardous events that may affect the system performance, the hazards involved, the possible effect, the frequency and the resulting risk (Table 23). This may include: intermittent water supply (rationing), high leakage, illegal connections, inadequate repairs, damage due to the war. Also give an indication of the water loss that may take place and the water pressure distribution (Table 24).

#Hazardous event (how hazard may enter/ affect system) Hazard typeEffectFrequencyRisk levels (frequency x effect)
1 The end of the life span of most water network lines, especially buried linesIS,C,P=Interruption in supply, Chemical, Physical5=Very serious impact3=Likely (3) > 20% of the time> 10 Intolerable risk
2Illegal theftsIS = interruption in supply 3 = Serious impact3=Likely (3) > 20% of the time(7 – 10) High risk
3Illegal theftsIS = interruption in supply 3 = Serious impact3=Likely (3) > 20% of the time(7 – 10) High risk

Table 25. Water loss in water distribution system

#Description of water loss Magnitude* l/s and %
1 Leaks in the distribution network lines, especially buried and dilapidated lines%25
2 The amount of water that gives benefits to employees%4.5
3 The amount of water that gives benefits to employees%4.5

A picture of the condition of the meter and the household tank

Figure 9: Picture of the case of the meter and the household tank

Table 26. Important risks in Household water storage

Provide a brief description of household water situation (type of water meter, household water storage (size, type of material) (Figure 9) and an indication of the main hazardous events that may affect the system performance, the hazards involved, the possible effect, the frequency and the resulting risk (Table 25). Explore whether risks are gender specific. Give an indication of the water loss that may take place (flowing toilets, plumbing problems, leaking taps, including water that may be lost through the overflow of storage tanks (Table 26).

#Hazardous event (and how hazard may enter/ affect system) Hazard typeEffectFrequencyRisk levels (frequency x effect):
1The lack of cleanliness of some subscribers’ tanks and the lack of tightness of their covers (possibility of water contamination)IS,M= Interruption in supply, 3 = Serious impact2=Moderate (2) 1 – 20% of the time3 – 6 Medium risk

Table 27. Water loss at household level

#Description of water loss Magnitude* l/s and %
1-Not rationalizing consumption.%1

Pictures of alternative water sources

Figure 10: Pictures of alternative water sources

Table 28. Important risks in alternative water systems

Provide a brief description of alternative water systems (Figure 10), the level of use by consumers and an indication of the main hazardous events that may affect these systems, the hazards involved, the possible effect, the frequency and the resulting risk (Table 27). This may include for example local water distribution points that provide water to the community which they receive from tankers (paid by humanitarian organizations), local wells and rainwater systems. In the Yemeni context alternative water sources may be an important source for drinking water and may for example entail a risk of spreading cholera, but also may affect water sales of the utility, affecting its financial sustainability and resilience.

#Hazardous event (how hazard may enter/ affect system) Hazard typeEffectFrequencyRisk levels (frequency x effect)
1Water tanks may bring water from more than one protected and unprotected source (leading to the possibility of contamination and the spread of infection). 3 2 6 The suffering of children and women in fetching water (which leads to women and children being put at risk and their rights infringed).P,M=physical,Microbial 3 = Serious impact2=Moderate (2) 1 – 20% of the time3 – 6 Medium risk

Table 29. Less important risks that were identified

Table 29: Less important risks that were identified

#Hazardous event (how hazard may enter/ affect system) Hazard typeEffectFrequencyRisk levels (frequency x effect)
1-M = microbial1 = Minimal effect1=Rare (1) < 1% of the time<3 Low risk

Table 30. Intervention to reduce risk of water tariff not covering cost

Intervention to reduce risk of water tariff not covering cost

#Problem descriptionCompletionCost ($)Proposed solutionMain activities
1The tariff for water and sewage services does not cover the operating and maintenance expenses and the wages of the workers and thus the inability of the institution to fulfill its obligations.1-2 years$400,000Operating the sources and stages of pumping for the project with alternative energy (solar energy) and then preparing a tariff study after reviewing the actual costs of operation and maintenance.Preparing a new tariff study after reviewing the actual costs of operation and maintenance. - Submitting a proposal to study the tariff to decision makers for approval. - Completion of linking wells to alternative energy projects, preparing studies for them, and searching for supportive bodies for their implementation. - Searching for supportive bodies to save fuel (diesel). - Scheduling the debt, forming teams, and intensifying work to collect it. - Activating electronic collection methods and updating the billing and collection system. - Implementation of intensive community awareness campaigns to raise the efficiency of collection.
2High energy costs and lack of fuel raise production costs1-2 Years $205,500Improving energy efficiency and reducing fuel use by linking sources with alternative energy, enhancing the efficiency of wells by rehabilitating and deepening them, reducing waste water and rationalizing spending.- Completion of linking the Corporation's wells and pumping stations to alternative energy systems. - Enhancing water sources by rehabilitating some wells to obtain productive feasibility from them by consuming less fuel and at a lower operational financial cost as well. - Reducing fuel consumption (regular maintenance). - Searching for supporting bodies and organizations to provide the fuel needed to operate the station. Preparing studies for the implementation of the above projects. - Carry out periodic maintenance of generators.
3Low level of collection and accumulation of indebtedness.1 year$100,000Intensifying work on debt collection, raising community awareness, and providing PDA field electronic collection system devicesForming intensive collection teams and determining the billing percentage of the collected amounts and approving it as incentives and rewards for the employees within it. Providing a collection service through banks, money changers, and others. - Conducting intensive awareness campaigns for all segments of society on the importance of the institution's services and the importance of its continuity. Opening the door to facilities, such as: granting discounts - installments of debts. Presenting the indebtedness of major consumers to the board of directors and obligating them to pay and raise them to the leadership of the local authority. - Develop billing and field collection by providing the electronic collection system. PDA

Table 31. Intervention to Very high NRW (technical and financial losses)

Intervention to Very high NRW (technical and financial losses)

#Problem descriptionCompletionCost ($)Proposed solutionMain activities
1Incorporating ten branches into the institution that are not financially, administratively and technically qualified.2-3 Years $100,000Preparing an organizational bylaw for the institution that regulates the workflow and tasks between it and the branches, providing the requirements for institutional building and the comprehensive rehabilitation of the institution and new branches financially, administratively and technically. Preparing the needs of the institutional building of the institution and its branches. - Preparing the need for training courses for the institution and branches in the technical, financial and administrative aspects. -Searching for sponsors to finance. Preparing an organizational bylaw for the institution that regulates the workflow and tasks between it and the branches, providing the requirements for institutional building and the comprehensive rehabilitation of the institution and new branches financially, administratively and technically. - Preparing the needs of the institutional building of the institution and its branches. - Preparing the need for training courses for the institution and branches in the technical, financial and administrative aspects. -Searching for sponsors to finance.
2The inability of the institution to close the accounts of the financial institution for the previous years.1 year$50,000Providing financing for the use of a chartered accountant to close the accounts of previous years- Find financing.

Table 32. Intervention to reduce risk of high fuel prices and frequent fuel crises (Fuel Instability)

Intervention to reduce risk of high fuel prices and frequent fuel crises (Fuel Instability)

#Problem descriptionCompletionCost ($)Proposed solutionMain activities
1Quitting of some qualified cadres and failure to raise the efficiency of others.2-3 year30,000$Improving material and moral incentives, employee benefits, and updating regulations. Raising several donors by approving an incentive for employees to improve the institution's revenues. - Updating the regulations in line with the competencies and tasks of each employee.- Find financing.
2Lack of accurate data for network sites and project sources1 year20,000$Searching for supportive bodies to obtain the GIS system and update the performance indicator system PIIS. Searching for funding to provide a GIS application, update the PIIS system, and train workers on it.

table 33.Intervention to reduce risk of households water storage tanks

In this section, the proposed actions to improve the system and enhance its resilience are presented in some detail. In this version of the report the activities related to only one of the main risks are presented in table (A2.10.1); in the final version also the other priority actions will be included.

#Problem descriptionCompletionCost ($)Proposed solutionMain activities
1The random drilling of private wells and the depletion of groundwater led to a decrease in the water level of 4 wells and their out of service.1-2 years180,000$Protection and control of the water basin area to limit or reduce the excessive depletion of groundwater and rehabilitate and operate suspended wells.Searching for financing to cover the costs of the necessary activities. Rehabilitation of (4) stalled wells as a result of the drop in the water level. - Digging of new (3) wells with the provision of integrated pumping units to operate them to increase productivity to cover the sufficient needs of citizens. - High coordination with the local authority and the Ministry of Water and Environment to find serious solutions to reduce random digging. Assigning a specialized team of geologists and engineers to prepare the geological and survey studies necessary to conduct the inventory. Formation of field teams to raise awareness and make guarding points for the water basin to prevent random digging, especially in agricultural areas.
2The end of the life span of most water network lines, especially buried lines.2 years$650,000Rehabilitation and maintenance of pumping lines and the distribution network, especially buried lines, dividing the network in the lanes into closed squares, in addition to providing iron pipes with accessories of different diameters for periodic and emergency maintenance work, as well as providing leakage testing devices.Preparing studies, engineering plans and bills of quantities for: - Rehabilitation and maintenance of pumping lines and the installation of a pump line Qatar 6H from Seil El- Ayoun station to Al-Hijrah station. - Rehabilitation and maintenance of the distribution network, especially the buried lines, and dividing the network in alleys into closed squares. Providing iron pipes with accessories of different diameters for periodic and emergency maintenance work. Providing leakage testing devices. - Find funding from donors. - Project execution.
3Some sites of the pumping lines are subjected to torrential erosion, which causes the pumping process to stop.6 months$250,000Rehabilitation of the lines whose path is exposed to the dredging of torrents by replacing the pipes of the fetching type with the pipes of the flange type with the work of concrete supports for the sloping sites as well as the work of a stream for the torrents in the possible places.Preparing a study to rehabilitate the lines whose path is exposed to dredging torrents by replacing the pipes of the fetching type with the flange type pipes with the work of concrete supports for the sloping sites as well as the work of a stream for the torrents in the possible places. - Find financing. - Execution.

table 34: Intervention to reduce risk of sewers blockage

In this section, the proposed actions to improve the system and enhance its resilience are presented in some detail. In this version of the report the activities related to only one of the main risks are presented in table (34); in the final version also the other priority actions will be included.

#Problem descriptionCompletionCost ($)Proposed solutionMain activities
1unavailability of a laboratory to test water samples and chlorination units.6 months$50,000Providing an integrated laboratory for testing water samples, as well as providing chlorination units and training technicians.- Preparing studies with the required specifications by providing an integrated laboratory for testing water samples and chlorination units. - Find financing. - Supply and implementation.
2The mixing of drinking water with sewage water due to the proximity of the water network lines to the sewage rooms and manholes.6 months$140,000Rehabilitation of some water network extensions and their removal from the vicinity of tanks and sewage rooms.- Preparing technical studies that can intervene to rehabilitate some of the water network extensions and remove them from the vicinity of tanks and sewage rooms - Find financing. - Execution.
3Some leaks and explosions in the pumping lines and reduce the efficiency of pumps.6 months10,000$Providing valves, check valves and air valves of different diameters.Preparing the specifications and requirements for cocks, check valves and air valves of different diameters - Searching for financing to meet the needs. - Supply.
4Difficulty maintaining some water transmission lines located in rugged areas.6 months125,000$Providing a mobile maintenance workshop with a means of transportation. Preparing the necessary specifications and requirements. - Searching for financing to meet the needs. - Supply.